Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Gaby here. :) 

This will be my first attempt to have a blog that will be fully filled with food. :) 

Watched Julie and Julia the other time and honestly, it inspires me to cook more. I've always love to cook and oh how i wish one day i'll have my own huge kitchen filled with hundreds of spices and all the ingredients that i need to cook everything that i wish to cook on that day. :) 

Right now I am still studying and cook base on my mood. Love to take pics of it and share it in FB but i'm thinking its about time to try and pick it up seriously. 

Cooking is fun and I find it interesting. It's simply amazing when you put two different ingredients together and voila! it turned out to be something yummy.. :) 

well, it won't be all fancy cooking here cuz usually i'll cook simple stuff and edible at the same time. for uni students, its a really good deal. you don't spend lots of time to cook, you eat, and yes, you can go back to your assignment right away. :) 

So yea, enjoy it... :) 

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